Friday, October 21, 2011

Being Human...

These days there is a lot of craze of Salmaan Khan promoted “Being Human” Tees. You can see it everywhere, youngsters, kids, middle aged, all seem to be “touched” by the idea of being human. Or is it??

Few days back I went to market to get some stuff for home. There I saw a man, may be in lat twenties or early thirties wearing the same “Being Human” T-shirt. He was being followed by a young beggar boy who was asking for some money. The man repeatedly was shooing him away and finally, irritated, shouted at him. Wow!!! if that's what “Being Human” means, I am better off being inhuman. Yes, I admit I don't support begging, nor do I ever give money to anyone, except I have offered my food many times.

There was yet another day I can recall while traveling in Metro I couldn't help but overheard a girl standing next to me talking on phone. She was talking to her boyfriend as far as I could guess from her talks. I guess he could not meet her as decided (that's what I guessed).Again there was some language which I can not quote on a public forum. Again there was that “Being Human” factor associated.

So I want to ask you. Is this whole thing an idea behind a new fashion statement?? Yeah, may be we do help some people by buying such sponsored brands, which donate money to charities. But is it enough? And if “Being Human” means something like above, I am better off being inhuman.

When I was a kid, I read in a book “Charity begins at home”. Rubbish... In my opinion, “Charity begins with a T-Shirt, wrist band or a notebook and of course, ends with these”.

- Crazy Mind...

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