Sunday, January 01, 2012


Remember your morning assembly at school? It started with a prayer, whatever language it may be. Back then, when I was a kid, it was just a daily routine; another thing to learn by heart, to impress the delegate on inspection, but hardly ever I understood the real meaning until I left the school. It was a fun thing every morning.

As I grew up, my understanding of God, religion and related practices increased. I began to realise the power of praying to God. Well, I never understood it scientifically though, but I am sure it has some thing to do with psychology of human beings, but doesn't matter to me as of now. In the beginning I thought all the worshiping, praying was kind of fixed in method, sequence, organization, verses and other aspects; and it was bound to happen because most of us are told by many "knowledgeable" persons that you should do this, do that follow this, wear that, buy this, throw that,, and the list goes on. Yet there are many others who teach you to believe in the Supreme Being and just pray, no matter whether you sing it loudly or do it mentally.

In past few months, I was free from any obligations and that gave me time to know, to think, to understand life from more than just a scientific perspective. As far as my personal experiences are concerned, praying makes me calm, gives me confidence and I have seen it working.

I am proud to be born in such a great nation and to be a part of a culture, where people actually and deeply believe in God, no matter what religion they follow. And everywhere we see people praying to the Eternal Being for wellness of life.

P.S. Do you think prayers have powers? Please share your views.

- Crazy Mind...

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