Monday, December 19, 2011

Character Makes a Gentleman or Does it???

Once a foreigner asked Swami Vivekananda," Can't you wear proper clothes to be a gentle man? " Swami Vivekananda Replied," In your culture TAILOR makes gentlemen, But in our culture CHARACTER make gentlemen "

I read these line long ago when I was a kid. Ever since I have seen around and I have seen exactly opposite. You know, in my opinion, if you want to know about people, travel with them in a public transport. You will find a hell lot of variety. Good, bad, ugly, you name it. Last week, I had to appear for an exam. I went to the exam center and noticed it was more like a fashion parade. Not that I am against fashion or something, but it was cold, considering weather of Delhi and I saw many ppl especially girls (no offence meant) wearing, well, “modern” clothes.

Similar is the case I see everywhere. If you are wearing simple clothes, you are considered a simple person and not to mention, sometimes, idiot and dumbo, especially for a person of my age group. I have been commented on, many times. Well may be I am not that smart or intelligent or I don't have that charm or persona, but I see that if you are wearing a good outfit, you are considered a gentleman. Everyone treats you like one, else, your luck.

Well Swami ji... I guess, your Bharat is long gone now...

-Crazy Mind...


  1. hey nice thought u have put up here..yah u are absolutely right...these days its the clothes that decides the character of a person but its only the first impression.
    Even if u are not with the fashion but u have good characters, its only the matter of people getting to know u. u will finally be liked by all and trust me good people are more attached to people with good values that with good clothes.. u know what, dont try be different, just be good, to be good is different enough these days.

  2. yes Nitin, very true that it is the first impression... but you know, normally the first impression,itself, creates the maximum impact... and to change that, it takes a hell lot of time...
