Monday, August 15, 2011

The Almighty God...

Previously I have discussed about science and religion. In this post, I will try to focus on who or what God actually is...

In my previous post I told about some people called ancient alien theorists. These people believe that what or whom our ancestors worshiped, came from outer space. They were space travelers from some other planet (or planets) with technologies far advanced from what we have even today. According to them, the ultra-advanced science seemed to our ancestors like magic.

Proofs : 

1> Some remote tribes worshiped people getting down from airplanes in known history.
2> Ancient cave drawings, paintings depict some unknown figures which seem like humanoids wearing some sort of space suits!!!
3> Proofs that ancient civilizations were advanced in astronomy and time keeping (remember Mayas and their calender??) and lots more (see ancient aliens series on history channel for their views).

Problems :

My only problem lies in the fact that whatever we do as religious practices, how that helps people now??? I don't see any 'greys' roaming around here, do you??? Even I pray to God everyday and remember Him whenever I am in problem, and I don't see any 'aliens' coming to help me out. But believe it or not, many people believe that such things work. Great...

To scientist:
Guys...if that hyper-advanced technology really exists somewhere, what is preventing us from reaching that peak??? I will discuss my views on that some time later. Also please come up with some explanation regarding the power of prayers and God (I feel that cognitive neuroscience can find these answers).

Well 'grey-Gods', if you are really what these ancient alien theorists say, please come back here for the earth is more chaotic than ever.

See you all next time...

Till then...

-Crazy Mind...

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